new words

issue no. 5


table of contents

Carson Sandel A Guide to Genderdeath Theo Fox Magical Mess Remover, or a violin for perennial violence
Riam Griswold Idioglossia Theo Fox The Weighing of male violence or the empty space in the middle of the war against their bodies
Julia Travers Murmuration Maeve Heat Death
June Jung Cicada Zan Maley When the pretty girl becomes the ugly man (pretty girls never smoke)
Gabriel Noel O UNGENDERED & SEXLESS COURIER OF GOD Ezra Fox The Yoga Instructor Tells Me My Inward Hip Rotation Is Strong
Rich Glinnen You Wouldn’t Be Here if I Wasn’t Xiomara Jean-Louis if my brain were her own person, i would hug her
E.K. Bartlett Thoughts while upside down Chriss Locker sterling
Jo Faye THEY/THEM PRONOUNS Michelle Chen Green Otome
Rion Levy Liberty Jasper Pelle after PARIS IS BURNING
Hyacinth Scheinfeld secrets Mal Virich on deserving
Ezra Fox Unseaming Kaden Peot what are your transition goals?
Hyacinth Scheinfeld i am a boy Eli Shaw Transgender Poem
Emecheta Christian love against anarchy Mallory Dinaro I Wish This Was Easier to Explain
Hunter Hodkinson My Femme Summer Mallory Dinaro Three-Quarters of the Country Would Be Happy or Indifferent if I Killed Myself, but I Feel Cute in This Skirt and I’m Determined To Have Fun Tonight
Jaiden Dokken Ache Marian Thomas Bayker Spinal Surgery
Clayre Benzadon The Emperor in Mismatched Clothing Morgan Jenson Questions For My Doctor
Clayre Benzadon Mixed Synapses & a Sense of Twisted Resistance Josephine Defaye Deadname Sonnet 1
Jaiden Dokken horseboys Josephine Defaye Deadname Sonnet 2
Nicole Yurcaba Steal My Heart June Jung Still Life
Calla Eris Orion Phantom Pussy Zoe “Moss” Korte Heartland
Jay Griffith anti-thesis Liam Strong eggs on the dashboard
Jo Faye WEDNESDAY’S CHILD IS FULL OF WOE Shel Moring Fried avocado
Sebastian Anderson Taraxacum Delaney R Isaacs Nnn
Carson Sandell Gasoline: a Burning Haibun    
Will Turner First stitch    

issue five contributors

Cover Art by Steven Gaythorpe

Steven Gaythorpe is a queer, non-binary artist who enjoys drawing gender non-conforming humans.


Thank you to all our amazing contributors. This is unique collection of work that highlights the contributions of trans* poets to the world of poetics- ever pushing forward. Support these trans writers and nw{p}. Follow them and buy a copy of issue five. 

Carson Sandell

is a trans poet from San Jose, CA. They’re an MFA Student in Poetry at San Diego State University. Outside of school, they are a Poetry Reader for Split Lip Magazine and Poetry Editor at Poetry is Currency. Most nights you’ll find them watching a horror movie. 

poet riam Griswold

Riam Griswold

is an editor and writer of fiction and poetry. Their work has been published in Levee Magazine, Red Rock Review, Book XI, and FIVE:2:ONE, and they currently live in Tucson, Arizona.

poet Julia Travel sitting in front of a tree

Julia Travers

(she/they) is a nonbinary writer, artist and teacher in Virginia, U.S.A. Find Julia’s works with Fish Publishing, Bowery Poetry, Rattapallax, On Being/ American Public Media, Rough Cut Press, Ecological Citizen, The Poetry Society of Virginia (which awarded her two first place prizes) and others.

Poet June Jung

June Jung

is a South Korean filmmaker, musician, and poet based in Brooklyn, New York.


Gabriel Noel

is a Pushcart Prize nominated poet who received his Bachelor’s for Theatre Arts and English at Salem State University. Gabriel’s work has previously been featured by new words {press}. Gabriel lives in Salem, Massachusetts and loves spending time with his partner and friends going to concerts or karaoke.

Poet Rich Glinnen

Rich Glinnen

Best of the Net nominee, Rich Glinnen, has had his poetry featured on Rich Vos’s and Bonnie McFarlane’s podcast My Wife Hates Me, and is a mainstay at the Nuyorican Poets Café. His work can be read in over 100 print and online journals.

E.K. Bartlett

(they/them) is a Paris-based writer and translator. Winner of the Gigantic Sequins Poetry Award 2021 (judge: Arisa White) and nominated for Best of the Net in 2022, their work has appeared or is forthcoming in Asymptote, Jet Fuel Review, Stone of Madness Press, Fifth Wheel, Osmosis, among others.

Poet Jo Faye avatar

Jo Faye

they/she) is a nocturnal MFA candidate based out of California. IRL, they have four cats and a lizard to keep busy. They can be found on social media @jofayewrites.

Poet Rion Levy

Rion Levy

is a transgender Canadian poet and editor currently exploring the world nomadically. He published his first collection, Poems of the End Times last May and has over 100 articles, stories, and poems in print. He is most concerned with the stories we’ve forgotten we’ve told.

Poet Hyacinth Scheinfeld

Hyacinth Scheinfeld

is a recent graduate from Wesleyan University, where they studied creative writing and history. Hyacinth’s work aims to explore gender fluidity through a lens of mythology and nature, exploring means of discomfort on the page that parallels the discomfort one might feel in their body.

Emecheta Christian

is a brilliant writer whose work explores themes of identity, belonging, and the complexities of the human experience. His works have appeared in esteemed literary journals and anthologies such as The Potter’s Poetry, Indiana Review, Oxford American, Four Way Review, Academy of American Poets Poem-A-Day Series, and elsewhere. chriswunderkind

Poet Ezra Fox

Ezra Fox

lives and writes in San Francisco, CA. In their writing, Ezra is curious about “impermanence,” and “non-duality,” and how it pertains to their subjects of lineage, queerness, and spirituality. You can find Ezra’s work in Zone 3, Poiesis, Glassworks Magazine, and elsewhere. Learn more about Ezra at

Poet Hunter Hopkinson

Hunter Hodkinson

is a non-binary, Ohio born poet, building community in Brooklyn. They have worked with The Adroit Journal & are the founder of Dead End Zine, a quarterly publication showcasing art and poetry. Their work appears in, Diode, december, Dream Boy Book Club, SplashLand Magazine, and Abobo Zine.

Poet Jaiden Dokken

Jaiden Dokken

(they/them) lives/laughs/lusts in Sequim, WA. They are a ceramicist, stamp-carver, writer, reader, illustrator, and novice pom-pom maker. Jaiden is currently serving as Clallam County’s first Poet Laureate.  

Poet Clayre Benzadon

Clayre Benzadon

(she / they) is a queer (bi /pan) Sephardic (Mizrahi)-Askhenazic poet, educator (adjunct professor) and activist. “ Her chapbook, “Liminal Zenith”, was published by SurVision Books in 2019. She has been published in places including SWWIM, Olney Magazine, and Blue Stem Magazine. Find more about her at 


Poet Nicole Yurcaba

Nicole Yurcaba

(Нікола Юрцаба) is a Ukrainian American of Hutsul/Lemko origin.   Bluesky:


Calla Eris Orion

(oe/os/oer) is a mirror-in-droste, looking at the world as a reflection of oerselves reflected back on oerselves. Oe work at a liberal arts college, live with oer dog Copper, and enjoy solitude. Oe attend the Stonecoast MFA program in Creative Writing, and were recently published by manywor(l)ds. Threads & Instagram: @callaeris

Poet Jay Griffith

Jay Griffith

(he/any) is a not-quite-human being living and teaching in Northern New Jersey. His work has been featured in Shapeless Press’ Trans Futures zine and Blueline Review. 

Poet Sebastian Anderson

Sebastian Anderson

(he/him) is a poet from Winston Salem, North Carolina who writes out snippets from an imperfect human experience, often incorporating into his work themes regarding mental health, LGBTQ+ issues, his trans experience, and growing up in a world that always seemed ready to implode. He also writes fiction. Instagram: @sja.nderson

Poet Will Turner

Will Turner

is queer mathematician, currently strung between the West Midlands and Saxony. They write, make a little art and obsess over history, languages and fiction. They can often be found wandering around in the rain imagining geometry. Website:

Poet Theo Fox

Theo Fox

is currently completing the sixth year of his doctoral research in literatures of disability at York University. His work investigates chronic illness, trans identity, and marginalized autonomies, seeking to chronicle resistance through counternarratives of self-definition.

Poet Maeve


is a trans woman living in the great lakes region. She is a poet and water rights activist. She finds strength in her community, and optimism in the study of those who came before. Substack: @mysticdeliria

Zan Maley

Zan Maley

is a queer poet and writer with an affinity for words that hurt. His work primarily focuses on the queer as a self, and what it means to be handmade. 


Xiomara Jean-Louis

(she/her) is a Caribbean-American, first-generation graduate student studying Caribbean colonial histories. She orients her career around giving back: she volunteers, writes about U.S. policy toward Haiti to instigate change, and advocates for queer rights. In her spare time, Xiomara writes about her mental health and queer experiences. Instagram: @xianevis_ ; LinkedIn:

Chriss Locker

author, experimental poet, and hopeful novelist. healthcare professional dedicated to subverting the system. the subaru outback-driving, iced coffee-drinking kind of gay. tent camping, hiking, fishing, and gory horror movies, but also impractical manicures, sparkling rosé, and the happy-crying at the end kind of romance novels. perpetually in recovery from something.


Michelle Chen

is a Masters in Teaching candidate at Stony Brook University living in New York City, though her birthplace is Singapore. Her work recently appears in Prairie Schooner, Bat City Review, The Evergreen Review, and she has attended the Iowa Young Writers Studio, Girls in Icy Fjords, among others. 

Jasper Pelle

was born and raised in Seattle, Washington but found their creative footing in Missoula, Montana, primarily as a poet and performance artist. Beyond their art practice they are a gardener, baker, and community organizer. They live in Vancouver with their partner and two black cats. 

Mal Virich

is a fourth-year undergraduate student in English creative writing, Spanish, and Chican@/Latin@ studies. They are queer, non-binary, disabled, and autistic. They have been a reader for The Madison Review since fall 2023, and they were also a reader for the Wisconsin Poetry Series in fall 2022. Bluesky: 


Kaden Peot

(they/he) is a senior at Kalamazoo College. They’re studying English & focusing on poetry, with a minor in history. 

Instagram @kadenpeot


Eli Shaw

is a poet currently based in Raleigh, North Carolina but whose work draws many places, including the American Southwest and North Florida. Their work has been published in Foglifter Journal, Longleaf Review, Beaver Mag, and Rust+Moth. They are a current MFA student at North Carolina State University.

Mallory Dinaro

(she/they) is a transfeminine writer and musician from Massachusetts, currently living in Davis, California. Her poetry has appeared in JAKE, Potluck, Electric Cereal, and Voicemail Poems. Bluesky: @gingermophobia

Marian Thomas Bayker

is a transfemme nonbinary poet, writer, mother and baker living and working in Central Virginia. 

Morgan Jenson

is a 20 year old non binary disabled artist. This piece uses physical artifacts collected throughout their medical journey, and portrays the trauma left behind in each piece of “garbage”. 


Josephine (Josie) Defaye

(she/her) is a writer, educator, and founder of Trans/gressive Writers’ Workshop. She lives in Los Angeles with her human family and their two dogs, Duncan and Lady Macbeth. Find her work in Gulf Stream Magazine, Resurrection Magazine, and on Medium @josiedefaye.

Zoe “Moss” Korte

is a queer and disabled poet whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in Maudlin House, The Quarter(ly), and The New Territory. They also serve as the social media manager for Sundress Publications. They live in Missouri with their partner and two tortoiseshell cats. 

Liam Strong

(they/them) is a queer neurodivergent cripple punk writer and author of the chapbook Everyone’s Left the Hometown Show (Bottlecap Press, 2023). liamstrong666


Shel Moring

(they/them) chaos gardens their way into remembering. They are a Black/Chinese/non-binary poet and herbalist living in their birthplace of stolen Kumeyaay land (San Diego). Website: Instagram: @yinflower_

Delaney R Isaacs

is a transgender lesbian writer from Ohio. She/Her. 








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