Category citizen trans*

am i gay? by mk zariel

mk zariel am i gay? asks a buzzfeed quiz, but sometimes the more accurate question is whether i could pass a turing test after cramming and thus starting to feel less alive. can statistics have genders? asks the inner voice…

The Other Shoe by Heather Flescher

Heather Flescher The Other Shoe I honestly thought we had won. In March 2016, the North Carolina legislature passed a bill banning transgender people from public bathrooms. The reaction was immediate.  And angry. College sports teams, corporations, musicians, conventions and…

Stealth by Shaawan Francis Keahna

Shaawan Francis Keahna Stealth On the phone with a trans elder. Maybe she’d hate being called that. She is, though, old and monied and cynical. They’d call her a “battle-axe” back home. Tough broad. California accent. She works in Hollywood,…