Category citizen trans*

untitled poem by Quincy

Quincy untitled It’s late,   I know it is,   The sky begins to twist,   The melancholy purple I’ve come to love.   The clock bleeds,   My heart bleeds with it.   As the sun begins to rise,…

Trans Elder by Zoë Dunning

Zoë Dunning Trans Elder The average life expectancy For trans people is 35 Due to violence and suicide   My future vision is blurry I can see fuzzy outlines Shadows taking shape   I see a face crumpled in sorrow…

State-Enforced Gender by C. Show

C. Show State-Enforced Gender I.   friends are sharing DIY HRT posts typing out – Death before Detransition – wondering how quickly Huckabee Sanders will declare us trans teachers have to use words that align(according to the State)with our genitalia…