Category citizen trans*

Transing Trump’s America by Jo Christian

Jo Christian Transing Trump’s America Hate is a fragile project                                       a projection of fear stitched together                                                                                                                           like a man in a dress               Boo!                           What you can’t see                             what you can’t…

Golem by Viv Naomi Young

Viv Naomi Young Golem           “Is it cold in the water?”   Down there riverbed girl kneels, palms reaching, knees bent, into oxidized sand.   They say she’s hiding there, but you still see her —…

Cellular Disposition by Asia Franklin

Asia Franklin Cellular Disposition So what? Dead leaves hitting my bare shoulders during the hottest Texas on record. And there weren’t little fires everywhere in my organs. My name genuflected inside me, asking.   So what? My conversations with Sydney-…

god’s heaven on earth by Alana Settle

Alana Settle god’s heaven on earth Manifestation is a word I became obsessed with during my churchgoing years. I miss the adrenaline of manifestation—the mystical idea of an ethereal being possessing my body—the hope that something beyond my reality could…