Brooklyn Baggett

Brooklyn Baggett

Hucksters by Elias Johnson

Elias Johnson Hucksters my dad always wanted to be his dad but he wasn’t supposed to be   his dad, who rummaged through scrap piles, exposing himself to unknown toxins that would spread throughout his body killing him halfway through…

LOADED by E. Zimmerman

E. Zimmerman LOADED i never used to keep a loaded gun next to my bed, under my nightstand. i never had a gun to begin with, until this administration. i bought the gun from my friend jim, who is a…

Clock Strikes 3 by Renée LoBue

Renée LoBue Clock Strikes 3 The pit of stomach downwardness was a daily ritual. Sense and sense alone were all, spare the few grilled chicken wraps and smoothies.   It was the one-month anniversary of silence—my doing. Not cast aside,…