Brooklyn Baggett

Brooklyn Baggett

State-Enforced Gender by C. Show

C. Show State-Enforced Gender I.   friends are sharing DIY HRT posts typing out – Death before Detransition – wondering how quickly Huckabee Sanders will declare us trans teachers have to use words that align(according to the State)with our genitalia…

11.06.24 by Ran Brady

Ran Brady 11.06.24 We do not sleep.   She keeps up with the polls; I smoke until I’m on the couch.   She lets me pretend until 1am, when the votes seem sure, then we begin our planning.   Where…

am i gay? by mk zariel

mk zariel am i gay? asks a buzzfeed quiz, but sometimes the more accurate question is whether i could pass a turing test after cramming and thus starting to feel less alive. can statistics have genders? asks the inner voice…