new words

issue no. 4


table of contents

Harper Walton you toe pee ya Aaron Beck Yarn
ALUKAH NEGRONI Risha Nicole Girl in Dresses
  New Collection Of Poetry   Sorry, Family
  X-DOE   Girl
Anastasia Jill Canto VI, Circle III  (The Big Girl Coven)d A short collection by Lane Devers: I wish you had married an astronaut
Karalee Garcia Com     ments C. Show Seized Fruit
Alex Crooks women Isabel Grey Spell from Orlando
Andar Wӓrje FTM / PTSD Ri Ekl *t (time)-no.1
  New Home Painter untitled
SG Huerta 13 ways of taking testosterone   untitled
Jay Aelick The Discobolus Daniel Dykiel maybe don’t
  The Ruins (2008) Rewrite Peter Grieco [5901 – 6000]
Griffin Epstein A poem to Eric Wittkopf Sure Hope the Meter Wasn’t Running: A Queer Sequins(e)
Hans Kesling What will you do heidi andrea restrepo rhodes Tentacular
Ash Reynolds Funeral Rite: A burning haibun Gabriel Noel THE AUTHOR MARTYRS HIMSELF IN THIS ONE
Izzy Maxson Eruption Windy Sharpe the visibility of the ricardos
Chriss Locker broken brain, acts 1 & 3 Zeke Shomler Eating Pasta Salad With a Spoon, Or, Reasons I Am a Selfish Person
Blayne Hessinger Waterloo Dicking Around E.G. Harcourt Jeanne d’Arc
  Lolita Laughed Liam Strong things made from blood, flour, and powder
Johnny T Sex on a Bible Nathan O.A. Bakken Tarot Reading at Grandpa’s
Zeke Shomler Body of Water Korey Grecek An Ode to Trans Girls Who Aren’t On TV
Beth Macdonald autophagia Ruaridh Vodden Galatea
J. M.Q. Needlework in Three Parts M. Lopes da Silva walk gently, young giants
Christian Heigler Post-Mortem on a Black Transman angelic goldsky ↺
JC Alfier Night Nurse   where @
Leelah Holmes David In Gowanus Farrah Fang Laser Hair Removal: First Session
Sergio Roper Blank Empty Canvas Toni Garcia-Butler This Poem is a Performance
Chelsie Nunn Ghost of a Drag Queen (with Revilynn “Lorna Doone” Casstevens) Anthony Xavier Jackson Say Their Names
    Andie Brynn Weaver the final girl makes his last stand
    Hayden Berry reading “queens in exile” on the anniversary of sylvia rivera’s death

issue four contributors

Featuring Lane Devers’ collection I wish you had married an astronaut.

Lane Devers is from Carbondale, Colorado. His work has appeared or is forthcoming from places like the Adroit Journal, Heavy Feather Review, DREGINALD, Juked, and elsewhere. His first chapbook “Antarctica is not the Moon” is out from Beyond Words Press. He currently attends Reed College.


Thank you to all our amazing contributors. This is unique collection of work that highlights the contributions of trans* poets to the world of poetics- ever pushing forward. Support these trans writers and nw{p}. Follow them and buy a copy of issue four. 

Haper Walton

(they/them) is a writer, editor and tutor from Bath. Their poetry, fiction and essays have been featured by 1883 Magazine, Whitechapel Gallery, Venice Biennale and more. They achieved third place in the Brick Lane Bookshop short story prize, and have won two Young Poets Network challenges.



(they/them) is a nonbinary cyborg poet and anti-zionist Jew who loves the exploration of transpoetics; the trans experience as poetry; a poem as a new form of the body. With inspiration from minimalist independent film, ALUKAH attempts to reconstruct their life–primarily their coming of age– as a poetic homevideo.

Anastasia Jill

(they/them, ze/hir)is a queer writer living in Central Florida. They have been nominated for Best American Short Stories, The Pushcart Prize, and several other honors. Their work has been featured or is upcoming with, Sundog Lit, Flash Fiction Online, Contemporary Verse 2, Broken Pencil, and more.

Karalee Garcia

is a queer Filipinx American, student, & librarian assistant at Everett Community College. Her poetry’s been printed in EvCC’s art & literature magazine, “Vibrations,” in 2021 & 2022 and in the “Whispers of the World” anthology edited by Shreya Mishra in 2023.


Alex Crooks

is a writer in Kent, Ohio. She recently graduated Kent State University where she was an editor for Brainchild Magazine. Her poetry is soaked in dirt and grime, exploring perseverence in the midwest.

Andar Wӓrje

(he/him) is a queer and trans writer whose work has appeared in magazines including The Malahat Review, The Literary Review of Canada, Grain, Room, Event, Descant, CV2, The Dalhousie Review, and carte blanche, and anthologies including Acceptance: Stories at the Centre of Us (Engen Books, 2021).

SG Huerta

is a queer Xicanx writer, editor, and activist. He edits poetry for Abode Press and is the author of the forthcoming nonfiction chapbook GOOD GRIEF (fifth wheel press 2025). Their work has appeared in The Offing, Honey Literary, Infrarrealista Review, and elsewhere. Find them at

Jay Aelick

is a birdwatcher, disc golfer, tarot reader, and sometimes even poet. They are one half of the St. Balasar University English Club podcast, where real critique partners at a fake university workshop the books the internet had written off.

griffin epstein

is a non-binary white settler educator and researcher in Toronto (Dish with One Spoon). They are the author of so we may be fed and their poetry has appeared in CV2, Grain, and Plenitude. They believe in harm reduction, disability justice, and a free Palestine.

Hans Kesling

is a poet living in Portland Oregon. They earned their MFA in creative writing, with a focus in poetry, from Indiana University in 2019. You can find their work in The Elevation Review, About Place Journal, Arkana, the Same, T(OUR) Magazine, Gobshite Quarterly, and Oregon Poetic Voices.

Ash Reynolds

(they/them) is a nonbinary, queer, ace poet living in College Park, MD, USA with their rescue dog and 41 houseplants. Ash has written their whole life but is new to getting their work published. Find Ash gardening, Lego-ing, and squirrel- & bird-watching from the kitchen window.

Izzy Maxson

is a writer and performance artist. The author of several collections of poetry including most recently “Maps To The Vanishing” from Finishing Line Press, she lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Chriss Locker

is a nonbinary neurodivergent author living in the inland northwest. healthcare professional by day. daydreamer by night. currently in the spring 2024 anthology of tension literary. soon to be in the spring 2024 anthology from querencia press. 

Blayne Hessinger Waterloo

(they/she) is a horror writer and editor living in Georgia with their partner and loud dog.

Johnny T

received an M.F.A from UTEP in 2024 and their poetry has appeared in “Berkeley Poetry Review”, “West Trade Review”, “Allegory Ridge”, “Cardinal Sins”, “Triggerfish Critical Review”, “Ignatian Literary Magazine”, “New Plains Review” and more. Fiction by Johnny has won the 2020 Mikrokosmos Fiction Contest.

Zeke Shomler

is a trasgender poet and an MA/MFA candidate at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. His work has appeared in Anodyne, Sierra Nevada Review, Folio, and elsewhere,


Beth Macdonald

(she/they) is a poet and performer whose work often explores identity and place through a number of lenses. Recently beginning her transition, her writing has expanded recently to include and explore her often hidden identity and how to bring her full self to her work.

J. M.Q.

(he/him) is a trans poet and storyteller based in the Pacific Northwest. 

Christian Heigler

is a lifelong Philadelphian and proud cat dad. He is currently working on both his MFA and MA at Arcadia University. He is especially preoccupied with where his Queer and Black identities meet. In his spare time he likes to cook and learn to play bass.

JC Alfier

(she/her) most recent book of poetry, The Shadow Field, was published by Louisiana Literature Press (2020) under her former gender. Journal credits include New York Quarterly, Notre Dame Review, Penn Review, River Styx, and Vassar Review. She is also an artist doing collage and double-exposure work.

Leelah Holmes

(he/they) is a trans dude living and writing in Brooklyn. They’re learning to play the saxophone, to the chagrin of their neighbors.

Sergio Roper

is from Akron, Ohio and is studying Psychology and English at Kent State University. He is currently working on his first chapbook Matchbox Body coming Fall 2024. They love teaching poetry and think everyone should write at least one poem in their lifetime.

Chelsie Nunn

(they/them) is an artist and educator working in Knoxville, TN.

Aaron Beck

is a poet and pianist living in Portland, Oregon.  

Risha Nicole

is a poet, author, and teaching artist from Sandusky, Ohio. Risha is the author of poetry collections, Without A Sound, and As long as I live you are with me. Their third upcoming collection; Dying Girl is on coming of age; exploring religion, sexual abuse, and queer identity.


C. Show

(they/them) is a Central Arkansan poet whose poetry has appeared in Pleiades: Literature in Context. They’re a staple in their local zine community, and their chapbook Gestalt has been published by new words {press}.

Isabel Grey ‮

is a Colorado resident. She has an MFA in Genre Fiction and is a candidate for an MA at Western Colorado University. She is a Best New Poets Award nominee. Her fiction and poetry can be found at WordCrafter Press, new words {press}, and elsewhere.

Ri Ekl

is a mathematician, amateur physicist and artist born in Budapest as the only son of academic parents on April 4, 1984. He writes and composes poems and music.


(they/them) is a musician/writer/visual artist/multidimensional being having a human experience. Originally from Maine, they are currently getting weird at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. Find them playing violin with artists of all types, most regularly accompanying improv quantum punk band Black Market Translation.


Daniel Dykiel

(he/they) is a nonbinary poet and prose writer living in St. Petersburg, FL. He writes mainly about monstrosity. Daniel has been published in various magazines and is currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing at the University of South Florida. You can find him at

Peter Grieco

is a poet, song writer, musician, former professor, and retired school bus driver from Buffalo. His collection of ekphrastic verse, “The Blind Man’s Meal,” is available from Finishing Line Press.  

Eric Wittkopf

has tried this before. See, for example, Wild Roof Journal, Half and One, and Sepia Quarterly. He is a past Pushcart nominee. Check for fingerprints. There might have been a contest, somewhere.


heidi andrea restrepo rhodes

is a queer, nb, sick/disabled, brown/Colombian, poet, scholar, educator, and cultural worker. They are author of the poetry collections, The Inheritance of Haunting and ephemeral. They want to meet you to make portals to otherworlds through healing justice, crip politics and poetics, and surfing.


Gabriel Noel

is a Pushcart Prize nominated poet who received his Bachelor’s for Theatre Arts and English at Salem State University. Gabriel’s work has previously been featured by new words {press} as well as Arachne Press, Jelly Bucket Journal, New Note Poetry, Moonstones Art Center, & BarBar Publishing.

Windy Sharpe

is a poet based in Kingston, NY. Their work has been published in Chronogram and their storytelling has been showcased as true storytelling performances with the TMI Project. They like dogs, loving women, voraciously consuming poetry, and you.

E.G. Harcourt

draws inspiration from sci-fi, horror, punk culture, and his experiences growing up in post-colonial Hong Kong, to create stories about organized religion, technology, and cultural and existential identity. He was a contributor to Homeroom Magazine and new words {press}, in which he has also been a guest reader.


Liam Strong

(they/them) is a queer neurodivergent writer who owns two Squishmallows, three Buddhas, a VHS of Cats The Musical, and somewhere between four and eight jean jackets. They are the author of the chapbook Everyone’s Left the Hometown Show (Bottlecap Press, 2023).

Nathan O.A. Bakken

(they/them) is a trans non-binary poet and seminary certified witch based in Reno, Nevada.

Korey Grecek

(they/she/he) is a poet, playwright and actor from Pittsburgh. Korey graduated from Penn State University with their BFA in Acting. Korey is queer, non-binary, transfeminine and self-proclaimed Fat™. They love to center these themes in their work.


Ruaridh Vodden

a london based trans masc outdoor educator, sailor, skier and writer. My work primarily focuses on my own trans experience, as well as the ways I love the world and the people around me. 

M. Lopes da Silva

(he/they/she) is a non-binary trans masc author, artist, and critic from Los Angeles. Weirdpunk Books just released his collection of heartbreaking and exquisite trans and queer horror stories, Infinity Mathing at the Shore and Other Disruptions, in March of 2024.

angelic goldsky

(t[he?]y) is a queer trans Jewish multi-disciplinary artist immersed in the uses of spoken word, media art, music, and magic for transmuting complex trauma into rhythm, release, and ultimately, permanent liberation. Angelic was shortlisted for the Canadian League of Poets Canadian Spoken Word Award (2024).

Farrah Fang

(she/her) is a Latina trans woman, born and raised in Houston, TX. She is the author of the poetry chapbook “Quererme En La Luz” published by Abode Press. She is an advocate for the liberation of trans people across the world.


Toni Garcia-Butler

(they/he) is a Black Fil-am poet, community artist, and DIY pretty boy of many names. He calls Arkansas home. You can call them Jet.


Anthony Xavier Jackson

is a Sacramento based poet and performer. You may find his work in Tule Review 2023 and Poets News. Anthony Xavier Jackson musical spoken word is on His poem, Liquid Diamonds has been published by The Word’s Faire.He is a founding member of GTFO Poetry Collective.

Andie Brynn Weaver

is a nonbinary writer living in Charlottesville, Virginia. When they aren’t writing, they are studying to become an archivist and naming every groundhog in their yard “Horace.”


Hayden Berry

(he/they) is a writer, drag king, and alum of the Iowa Young Writers Studio living in Philadelphia. His work has been published in Baltimore Beat, Grub Street, and Vassar Student Review. When they’re not being artsy, you can usually find them playing Minecraft or reading sci-fi books.









trans & gender-expansiv